The cornerstone of any successful organization is the people who compose it. The primary focus of Banks & Weitzul is the selection, by means of pre-hire behavioral testing, of people who will be successful in your organization. The most immediate way to prove our value is to assist in the selection of sales people.

Why salesperson selection? Typically because the salesperson's "success" is the easiest to measure. Success in sales is generally less reliant upon a supervisor's opinion and more dependent on the person's objective accomplishments. This is not always the case, but generally speaking, the performance of individual salespeople is comparatively easy to measure. Moreover, if we can determine who among your current salespeople are the most successful, we can very likely assist you select successful new sales candidates. Once having established our ability to predict success in sales functions, we can demonstrate our ability to help you select personnel for other positions.

We have a proven record of success in selecting sales people in the Automobile, Food Stuffs, Forest Products, Insurance, Pharmaceutical, and Securities (among others) Industries. Our methods have been proclaimed the "most scientific ever seen" by Directors of the EEOC.

The services and products we offer are both modular and complementary. Each can stand alone and make a unique contribution, or can also be used with our other offerings.

Our client strategy is predicated on a joint effort. We integrate our methods with your operating systems. We welcome an opportunity to work with various types of organizations.


Banks and Weitzul is headed by Dr. James Weitzul, Ph.D.

Dr. Weitzul is an industrial Psychologist with a broad range of experience including teaching, business and consulting. Jim is uniquely qualified in a wide variety of areas. His education is a blend of Mathematics, Business and Social Science (B.S., Mathematics/Psychology, University Southern California; MBA, University California Los Angeles; and M.S. & Ph.D., Industrial Psychology, Cornell University).

Jim's twenty years of professional work experience includes time with the RAND Corporation and Rohrer, Hibler and Replogle. He is the President of Banks & Weitzul.


Banks and Weitzul is located in Princeton, New Jersey

Conveniently located between New York and Philadelphia ......

2 Research Way
P.O. Box 2351 Princeton, NJ 08540
Tel: (609) 452-1192 Fax: (609) 987-0033

email: jweitzul@princeton.com